27/3/23 - 30/3/23

 Week 26 of Milly's acting journey

On Monday 27th, we spent the morning with Kelly focusing on devising a scene based on an agony aunt problem and advice. We split off into little teams and deciding on the number of people within a group, we were given the prompt with the right amount of characters. I was in a group with Millie T and Adam, where our prompt was titled 'She wants to call his first wife'. It took us a while to come up with a starting point but eventually we reached an idea, where Adam is secretly gay and I'm his new girlfriend, leaving Millie to be the ex-wife. The summary of our scene is where I begin sat with Millie, telling her how Adam keeps leaving early and staying out late, going to places and spending lots of money on his bank account without telling me which leaves me to believe he's cheating. However, Millie keeps reassuring me without actually saying the words 'hes gay' to save the reveal for the audience. Adam very flamboyantly expresses the truth upon me pressuring him for having a supposed 'affair'. Personally I feel like it went very well which is great, and I learnt how to put together a scene in not a lot of time with only a small piece of prompt. We worked great as a team, and I knew this from previous team activities we've done before. 

On Tuesday, me and Millie finally got to present to the class our Viola Spolin assignment. I've had such an interesting time doing this with her, as we kept learning new things about Viola, and all of the different people she was linked to and inspired. She is such a remarkable person, and we were excited to show all of our hard work to the class in both the power point and handout and show them her legacy through it. Our time was 10:30 so it was fairly early in the list, which we thought would be the best as it meant everything we remembered to say would be said, and it also meant we didn't have to wait the whole day to do it, we got it done. Part of the presentation was also to do a little game that incorporated your practitioner's work in it for the whole class to take part in, in which we did the Mirror Game as it was a main game that the students at the Second City did during warm-ups. Everyone got involved, and it was great finally being able to show what we had been working on. We both were very proud of the outcome and Kane thought we did amazing after it had finished. Overall, we were both a bit nervous to present at the start of the day and once we had done it, felt accomplished with what we had achieved. 

On Wednesday, those that would be performing in Sunderland spent the day doing a quick run through of moments where we felt needed a clean up to make the moment more effective and special. We didn't have long as we would have all liked as people were needed for Maths and English, and Kelly had to leave later on but with the time we had, we made sure to make the most of it all. We rehearsed in the theatre until Musical Theatre needed it and then we all went into 225, which was a tad smaller but we still continued on and rehearsed. After rehearsals, which I felt went really well as new impressive scenes were added to increase the guilt on the olders settling in that emotion, Kelly gave us a run down on what would happen on Friday, which meant the timings of everything and what the day would consist of. It made me slightly nervous knowing there wasn't long until show day since I wanted to make it the best we had done it before, but of course just eager to perform it to an audience again. 

On Thursday, it was the Year 2's performance of YOLO which meant they would be using the space, and the help of Kelly's advice. It was the reason for why we had done the Old Times rehearsal the day before, due to us not being able to the following day. I was looking forward to watching the show as I feel like I had heard about it for so long as I didn't know the concept of it at all so was going into the show with an open mind. For me, I spent the day catching up on blog and making sure I was prepared for the next day as it would be hopefully not the last time we would perform the Connections show. 


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