Unit 8 - Project Proposal for Little Women

Candidate Declaration - I confirm that the attached portfolio is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself

Level 3 Diploma Unit 8 Project Proposal pro forma


Milly Shield


Performing and Production Arts – Acting for Stage & Screen.

Project title

Little Women

Section 1: Rationale (approx. 100 words)

From Unit 1, I had a slight understanding with evaluating on my own performance from past performances in secondary. However, I hadn’t gone into detail like I do now, which I prefer since now it helps and encourages me to improve my acting and how I approach characters and their mannerisms. At the beginning, I was very nervous and felt stressed during auditions and before shows like ‘Ghost Light Tours’ where I was waiting for the moment to speak my first line. Now, thanks to film opportunities, more audition practice and stage shows, my confidence has grown so much and I am so much more confident in myself, and now embarrassed to step outside of my comfort zone. Coming to the end, we finish on Little Women and Last Resort, which I felt has stretched my abilities as an actor, and working with my fellow peers.


Section 2: Project concept (approx. 200 words)

When it came to Little Women, our aim for the project was to produce a professional piece of theatre which I believed all three casts achieved. Due to Little Women’s vast history and back story, lots of research and understanding of the play had to be done. For example, I looked into life for women during the period the play is set in, and used my knowledge of that when I would talk to authority figures in a scene. I knew that during rehearsals, I would need to really think in depth how I would stand and hold myself, which I researched since etiquette was very important for women in that time. Kelly discussed how she knew the show was going to be a challenge because of its history and themes, but we made sure to take the challenge as a motivation which we all succeeded in. We had multiple resources from course leaders, like dance lessons from Tom, etiquette lessons from Kelly and working with our fellow peers on scenes and lines to help us towards our aim for the project.


Section 3: Evaluation (approx. 50 words)

For Little Women, I evaluate and reflect all of decision making, struggles and accomplishments on blogger. It allows me to look over my aims and intentions, and see how I can meet them in our allocated time successfully.  With my helpful resources, I was able to meet my aims as it hugely prompted me when I was stuck or having difficulty with understanding context of lines. Working with others further helped me during Little Women, as we encouraged one another in both our own personal aims and the overall target; to produce a professional piece of theatre.


Proposed research sources and bibliography (Harvard format)

For my research, I used various websites on the history behind Little Woman. Websites such as; 

Victorian women and roles of women in the Victorian Era. (victorian-era.org)

The middle classes: etiquette and upward mobility | The British Library (bl.uk)


Project action plan and timetable:

This section provides you with an opportunity to outline your planning and organisation over a period of weeks and the activities you will need to carry out in order to successfully complete your project in the agreed time frame. The more time and thought you give to planning your project, the more successful it is likely to be.

It is important that you consider how you will balance ambition, time and realism in the realisation of the project. You should also include what you are going to do, how you will do it and by when. Remember to include: time spent sourcing materials and other resources to conduct research, seek feedback from tutors and peers, and identify when you will carry out independent study.

Project action plan and timetable


Date week


Activity/what you intend to do - including independent study

Resources / what you will need to do - including access to resources







Auditions for Little Women

 - Look over audition monologue ( both written and in script).

- Practise acting it out.







Dance lessons with Tom

 - Visit the steps once done.

- Look at clips from Bridgerton, on the chemistry between the couples dancing.







Etiquette video for marketing

 - Look at etiquette rules.

- Ask fellow peers to be involved.

- Plan the video's structure.







Poster for Little Women

 - Decide the theme and basis of poster

- What it will include (people, clothes, props)








 - Perform the character of Marmee to the best of my ability.

- Collabarate with my cast.


























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