15/04/24 - 18/04/24
Week 55 of Milly's acting journey
Monday 15th April was our first day back from the Easter Holidays and also our audition day for our two end of year shows. Our auditions took the entire day to complete, and once I had performed mine on the morning, I spent the rest of my day evaluating it and catching up on blogger. A full write up of my audition is under the blog titled 'Unit 12 - Task 2: Audition for Final Show! 15/04/24'.
On Tuesday, the morning was delayed for a bit so that those who missed out on doing auditions on Monday could perform them then. Afterwards, we spent the entire day having a full read through of both end of year shows - 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' and 'Radium Girls'. We hadn't done a read through of them previously as a group, so it was interesting to see who would get up to read in the lines for the different characters. We read through Radium Girls first, and it was important to me that I just heard what it was like from other people rather than standing up and saying lines. I found following the Radium Girls script confusing when I first read it, so after a read through of the first section and listening to other people as the characters I understood it a bit better. We then did a small read through of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and because I'm interested in Nurse Ratched, I tried standing up to show my interest in her character, but I kept getting beat by other girls. I still listened to the script being read and could picture certain people as the characters and envision what the set would appear like. It was really beneficial to listen to the scripts and read through as much as them as possible as a full group.
Wednesday was not a very productive day for me practical wise, but I did get a lot done in the LRC, where me and Jack Pavey did more blog and assignment work, due to the cast rehearsing 'SHOUT' ready for next week to perform it in York. I also found out some amazing news near the end of the day, that I got into the HNC course at Arden!! I feel like I was waiting so long to hear any good news regarding it, and knowing now that I'm off to University this September feels scary but exciting.
On Thursday we found out some bad news that due to a lack of time and availability of everyone, we are having to cancel our Stuff performance meant to happen the following Tuesday at Eaglescliffe Village Hall. It wasn't nice to hear that but I know I learnt so much by doing Stuff and working with people I might not have worked closely with before my time at SRC is over. I wrote up a whole evaluation about my time doing Stuff titled 'Unit 9 - Stuff Evaluation'. The afternoon was a little different to what we thought would happen, and because Kelly is still trying to make the casts for our two end of year shows perfect, she asked us all to find a scene or monologue in our desired shows and perform it just to her and Abbie, to highlight how you would perform it and see if it matches to what Kelly had in her head. I knew Billy and Nurse Ratched had a very important scene together, so me and Adam teamed up and spent a long time going over that particular scene to get our character dynamic seamless. I also added Nurse Ratched's monologue onto the end about Billy's death since it stretches my acting and shows off just how manipulative and evil she is. We were one of the last people to perform to Kelly and Abbie, and once we did, we got a lovely well done, and told that we both definitely understand the characters from them both which felt really good to hear. I'm glad we got to show who we want in the shows, as we both never got the chance to do so in the read through.
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